My First Week as a Social Media Intern

My First Week as a Social Media Intern

COOP 4005 – Blog Post 1
Laptop, Computer, Business, Table, Paper

Just last week (Sept. 24), I started my internship as a Social Media Manager with Qode Social. As the full-service social media branch of Qode Media (parent company), Qode Social specializes in creating content to help develop positive brand experiences. From day one, I was introduced to the fast-paced nature of the digital marketing industry. As an intern, I was responsible for community management and account building for the various clients of the agency. 

Qode Social is the Social Media Marketing branch of Qode Media.

Community Management

Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, constantly change and update their algorithm – which is why companies need to stay in-the-know to maintain its hard-earned following.

Community management entails prompt replies to comments and direct messages; thereby, fostering a community between followers and brands. Community management also helps to humanize a brand, making it easier for fans (and potential customers) to relate with a brand. 

Account Building

With many brands hopping to social media, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to build an organic following. Account building is the act of increasing awareness of a brand by reaching out to potential customers and engaging with their content.

Liking, sharing, commenting, and following target audience members are just some of the ways I engage to increase the exposure of Qode Social’s clients on Social Media. 

Finding Success Despite the Pandemic

Due to the pandemic, many marketing agencies have been struggling to maintain their workload and retain employees. Fortunately, Qode Social has been doing well despite the situation and has even assisted other agencies with their clients. As a result, my internship experience has become a lot more “colourful” per se, as I get to work with clients from various industries such as consumer packaged goods (food), pharmacy, and education! 

Having only started my internship a week ago, I’ve learned so much about the digital marketing industry – particularly with social media. I look forward to the coming weeks as I’ll be assisting one of the account managers with a brand-new client! 


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